When marketing a new business, the goal is to attract interest amongst the center of influence in the field your product or service belongs to. The easiest way to do this is to search on your product or service offering on The Internet and look for active blogs. Follow the threads and take some time to come up to speed with the conversations therein. Note the names of the principal contributors and, where possible, look these people up on LinkedIn. Build a list of center of influence players and then begin part two of the strategy.
Part two is to start commenting on blogs where appropriate and start becoming a trusted member of the conversation. This is not an insincere effort but a willingness to engage and share with experts and players in the niche you are interested in. Consider it an informational interview.
Eventually, it is OK to reference your own home web site and mention your solution. All this has to be done with respect to the Blog's guidelines. The basic point is you want to position yourself as an expert.
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Hi Nicholas,
ReplyDeleteJust came across your blog and found it very interesting. How are things coming along? Did you get to give that presentation? And do you have a website up?
We have a preliminary web site up www.astrumcomputer.com but it is a work in progress. Our presentation turned into what amounted to a near interview. No one wants to meet you unless they have an agenda and in this case they were looking for people to staff a new branch of their company!
ReplyDeleteWe have interest from a sizable and reputable VC firm to review our business plan. This is a waiting game. Now, I have to carve out time to add more diagrams to my patent application and generalize some of the system components so there not limited to only current systems and products.
Thanks for your comment.